Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Yesterday I laid a very tired Allison down for a nap. She started crying and crying and would not go to sleep. I finally went in her room and found this:

She had somehow tried to take off her shirt and got stuck. Of course I laughed hysterically and then had to get the camera. (I am sensitive like that.) For the record, I have now found her in her crib like that three different times!


[Morgan] said...

that's adorable. sad, but adorable.
you should set up a camera in her room. i bet it would be pretty cute and entertaining to see her trying to take it off:)

This is me said...

It's the hockey fight shirt! Brian has taught my kids to do this to each other when they are wrestling. Then, they do it to Cameron and she FREAKS OUT, just like Allison.

Poor sweet baby.

(Also, Cam has those same leggings.)

Wendi said...

That's funny. Ruth just barely begun trying to get her shirts off. She gets about as far as poor Allison in this picture. Funny girl.

stephasauri said...

That is hilarious! Poor girl!