Monday, October 5, 2009


This is how the last two months of my life have looked:

Good times, good times.


Jenny said...

Awesome. I did get your comment on my other post - thanks for the bday wishes. I feel old.

Will you be coming to Texas when we get the sad news - which I think will be soon...?

This is me said...

Is it because of all those teeth?!

Cameron has four more coming in and has looked exactly like that, too. Plus, she was constipated all weekend (TMI?) and that made her super cranky as well. One big poop on Monday morning mixed with lots of Tylenol and she is back to normal today!

[Morgan] said...

oh but she's so very cute! :)

ps. you made me feel so much better when you left that comment on fundraising! i was worried that all the other moms were gung ho and that i was a party pooper! ha ha. glad to know there seems to be a general thumbs down to fundraising:)

Jane said...

So sad! I hope she feels better now so you both can get a break.

Brittany said...

Boo. That's enough to make you lose it.

Jennifer said...

Ahhh, poor baby and Momma!