It is one of those days where I just want to crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head, and just stay there. Maybe forever. Or at least until Tyson gets home. 6:00 just won't come fast enough.
I finally decided at lunchtime that if Extra Strength Tylenol wasn't going to work for me, then I needed a little caffeine to kill the headache. So I bundled up Allison and headed to the Coke machine outside our building. (Meanwhile, Matthew is wearing his pajama pants and no shirt; that's as far as we got this morning.) So, I put in my quarters, and the dumb machine eats my money. No Dr. Pepper for me. Or in this case, no Mr. Pibb, but same difference. Right then, the maintenance man walks by and I explained what happened, to which he says "Ohhhh. That's bad." And keeps walking. Thanks.
So I head back inside. Matthew is dressed. Miracle! I sit on the couch, head leaned back, eyes closed while I feed Allison. Matthew is eating lunch and listening to Pet Shop Boys. Great for a headache.
Out of nowhere, Matt says:
"Mom, did you want to be a mom when you grew up?"
I couldn't help but smile.
Yes I did.
Thanks for the reminder Matt. It is just what I needed today.

you can't hear me chuckling, but i totally am. what a funny and totally logical question!
ugh. i feel for you. i hate THOSE days.
for the record, you can call the repair man whatever you want and i will still always see you as the nice one. :)
My favorite part was "Matt was eating lunch and listening to Pet Shop Boys." Huh? Does this happen often? (The music choice, not the lunch eating). That boy has always been a music lover huh? Such variety and appreciation for the 80's!
Looks like you guys are doing well. I miss you! When are you coming to Dallas?
So cute. We need those kinds of reminders from our kids sometimes. We get them in all different ways, don't we? At least I know that every mom has THOSE days. Sometimes I forget that. :)
Awww that is so cute. :) Kids are such blessings. They are our strength when we feel we have none left. Hehe!
Great post! Kids have great timing.
I hope you feel better!
Can I just say I am in tears after this post. Part hormones, part I'm smack in the middle of one of those days!
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