Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the irony of my life

Last night was the first time that Shane slept completely through the night.

I am talking 8:00pm to 8:00am.

Twelve full hours!


Matthew was up from 2 to 4 am with the stomach flu.


Mandy said...

I'm sorry!

Those ironic things have happened to me too... part of motherhood. Maybe you can look at it this way: Heavenly Father knew it would take a lot of energy for you to help Matt, so he helped Shane sleep well so you weren't even MORE sleep deprived.
Does that help? Not really?

Sorry! Hope everyone else stays healthy and that Shane decides sleeping through the night is a good thing to do regularly!

Sarah said...

Mandy- That did occur to me because the last time Shane got close to sleeping that long, I was up sick with a stomach bug!

Tender mercies, I guess?

Brittany said...

Yuck, I'm so sorry! At least there's hope on the horizon for Shane - and at six months even! That would certainly be a miracle at my house!