Allison recently went through a major "Cars" phase. She watched the movie almost everyday, and she loved playing with Matthew's "Cars" toys.
One morning I walked into the living room to find her doing this:

She had balanced all the cars on our shutters. Now she is on to "How to Train Your Dragon". She loves the movie (and even quotes it), and she loves listening to the soundtrack so she can act it out and fly around the living room like a dragon. She will even climb up on a chair and say "I'm a Monstrous Nightmare!"

What happened to being into princesses, fairies, and dress-up like her sister? She may be my first daughter to have a dragon birthday party!
You are going to have an older daughter who is a princess and a younger one who is a tomboy. Think back about 25 years and tell me that doesn't sound at all familiar.
I love the "monsterous nightmare" line. That's better than Cameron's, who hits me with light sabers and says "I'm gonna kill you, Mom!"
I love the cars balanced on the shutters.
And yes, not every daughter is into princesses... Sdyney isn't quite tomboy, but at Allie's age, would had gone happily for a Robin Hood or Peter Pan party. I suspect Elinor will be more girlie, just watching her now compared with Sydney at that age. Anyway, definitely Allison is a character, and super fun!
Okay, that video was the cutest thing EVER! I laughed out loud. That is one of my favorite parts of the movie...when he lets Hiccup touch his nose...I think I got a little teary in the theater. Love that little Allie. :)
How you feeling btw? Hope all is well! I'll have to call you soon to catch up. Miss you, Sarita.
That is too funny. For Halloween we picked up a green dragon costume for Lily last year at Costco. It's too bad we didn't get a bigger size. I'd bring it over right now!
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