Wednesday, June 16, 2010

a day in the life of Allison

In honor of Allison's 2nd birthday today, I'll give you a glimpse into our day with our little Allie-girl.

8:30 am: breakfast

9:15 am: meltdown #1

9:45 am: trying on Matthew's pajamas

9:57am: meltdown #2 (not pictured)

10:30 am: a stroller ride to the park

10:45am: her new favorite thing, climbing UP the slide

11:00 am: no trip to the park would be complete without some time in the swing

11:30 am: trying on Daddy's winter hat and gloves

12:00pm: lunchtime (Allie insists on eating with a fork, even her apples!)

12:20pm: a goodbye kiss for Daddy as he heads back to work

12:30pm: naptime!

3:30pm: Allie's up!

4:00pm: another trip to the park (at the hottest time of the day. Way to go, mom.)

4:45 pm: cooling off with an otter-pop

4:50 pm: finding the moon

5:10pm: meltdown #3

5:30pm: dinnertime/sharing her enchiladas with Daddy

6:10pm: watching Matthew play some Wii

8:00pm: meltdown #4

8:20 pm: all ready for bed (Peek-a-Boo!)

8:30pm: Ni-Night Allie

The End.


This is me said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

That was the cutest thing ever. Her curly hair is too much.

I've been wanting to do a "Day In the Life" post, too but always forget to take pictures! You have inspired me to get on it!

Oh, yeah, and Happy Birthday to Allie! Welcome to the Terrible Twos!

Amy said...

Happy birthday Allison! That was a way cute post! What a fun idea... I may have to borrow it sometime. Thanks for sharing. =)

Mandy said...

Love that. I love the meltdown trackings, too funny. Happy Birthday Allie! Cannot believe she is TWO!!!!

TheBuzzSaw said...

That day strongly resembles Kadree's. We give her outside time as often as we can, but it's not always possible while we're dealing with school. And yes, every day has to include the meltdowns. :)

Unknown said...

Awww that is so cute! :D I miss all of you guys!

Wendi said...

That was great. I've missed your posts. They're terrific.