Sunday, March 14, 2010


Last weekend we went to visit my parents and my sister's family. For some reason when I am there, I seem to only take pictures of these two:

Since it is next to impossible to get these girls to sit still for more than 2 seconds, much less to sit still at the same time, I decided to snap a quick picture while they were both on my lap reading a book.

As you can see, Allison is not quite as talented at cheesing it up for the camera as her cousin!


Wendi said...

Sooooo cute. Is that Susan's second? It's fun when they're so close in age.

Mandy said...

How fun. So nice to have your parents in Idaho, where a weekend trip is a possiblity!
Cameron definitely fits with her siblings! Very cute.

This is me said...

I had no idea you took these pictures. I realized that I didn't take any while you guys were here.

Those girls are so dang cute together.