We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We enjoyed Christmas Eve with family for a great dinner, decorating sugar cookies, music, and reading the story of Christ's birth from the Bible.
Christmas day was just us at home and it was fantastic. Nice and relaxing. The kids were thrilled with all of their presents and we enjoyed just spending a relaxing day as a family.
Here are the highlights:
Our family on Christmas Eve
Tyson playing Christmas carols on his guitar while we all sang along.
our stockings ready for Santa to fill
Corinne and Matthew Christmas morning opening their last gift ... a Wii!!
Allison holding her new book, wearing her new hat (with mittens still attached) and riding her new car. (I couldn't get a good shot of her looking at me and not blinking! Oh well. Pretty funny, though.)
Our kids' annual picture in front of the tree wearing their jammies.We are truly grateful for this great year we have had. Tyson has been blessed at work, we've all been blessed with a new home, Allison is in great health, and Corinne and Matthew are thriving in school. We are grateful for all of our blessings and for our wonderfully supportive family.
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and are blessed in the new year!