Wednesday, June 3, 2009


School is officially out for the summer, and we are ready for a break! We have a lot of fun things coming up this month, so I will be posting more often than usual.

Here are some pictures from Corinne's last week of school, including a video of her dance festival. (Each grade performed a dance. Corinne's was from High School Musical, which she is SO into right now.)

signing yearbooks

last bus ride

(Corinne is in the white shirt and jeans.)

She had a fun year and made some great friends. We are looking forward to 3rd grade. (I can't believe it!)

**Matthew's soccer post coming soon...**


Jennifer said...

Love the dance video!

Mandy said...

I remember doing dance festival, or should I say, teaching it, back when I taught first grade. SO FUN. I know that's RIGHT up Corinne's alley!