Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Winter is officially here! (Ugh.) It started Saturday. Nothing but snow and now ice. So when it looks like this outside...

...we decided to have a snow day and break all the rules! We pulled out the sofa-bed, watched Christmas movies all day, drank hot chocolate, and the kids even ate lunch in bed:

We had a nice Saturday at home while Tyson was stuck in Provo for 7 hours while our car was in the shop. Too much snow and bad roads for me and the kids to go get him. He was so bored going in and out of stores all day. He even ventured into Roberts Crafts for awhile. Thankfully Sportsmans Warehouse is in the same shopping center, so he was okay!

Even though I personally can't stand winter in Utah, at least the kids love it:

One snowman down and dozens more to go!


Unknown said...

Yay snow! Its very cold and snowy here. We got about 5 inches.

Tammy said...

Sounds so fun!! I love laying in bed when it's cold outside. You could always come to texas to stay warm! Today is a high of 75 and raining.

[Morgan] said...

you are a way cool mom.

Unknown said...

I totally want to have breakfast in bed. :) That definitely makes you a cool mom.