Monday, June 25, 2012

Spelling Bee

At the end of the school year, Corinne participated in the 5th grade spelling bee.  All the 5th graders had a spelling bee in their class, with the top five from each class making it to the grade-wide spelling bee.  Corinne studied hard the week leading up to it and got 4th place in her class.  She was so excited to move on to the grade level competition!

Unfortunately, she was not as motivated to study the second time around.  On the bus ride home from school, she briefly read over some of her words (a different list than the first round).  She didn't want to study with me and do practice runs in the evening at all.  I kept telling her she needed to study more if she wanted to do well.

The night before the spelling bee she panicked and realized she was way behind.  I let her stay up a little later than bedtime and practice with me.  Still, we didn't get through the whole list.  I sent her to bed and reminded her that she had had all week to study, and now she would just have to do her best and prepare a little better next time.

She went to school hoping to not be the first one eliminated because that would be so embarrassing!  I admit, I said a little prayer for her when she was at school just that she wouldn't be humiliated.  I mentally prepared my motherly lecture all day..."Practice makes perfect!"..."If you want to do well, you have to do the work!"... "Success takes effort!"...

When she got home, I opened the door and she said, "Guess what???  I won!!!  I got first place!"

After all that, she took first in the whole spelling bee.  (And I didn't get to use my lecture at all!)

Here's what happened:

About 20 kids made it to the grade-wide spelling bee.  It came down to Corinne and one other girl.

The word was "decipherable".  The other girl went first.  Corinne said she wasn't going to really pay attention to how this girl spelled it, and then she felt like she should in case the girl got it wrong. "At least then I would know how NOT to spell it", she said.



Then Corinne:



Corinne's class jumped out of their seats and cheered and screamed for her like crazy.  It was an amazing moment for her, and she was thrilled!

We are all so proud of her.  I guess I'll save my lecture for another day...


Mandy said...

Don't you love it when your little life lessons backfire like that? I am proud of her though! That is awesome!!!!

Big Train said...

I was eliminated in the 1st round of the city wide spelling bee when I was in the 5th grade. I misspelled the word "arctic". I left out the "c".


Jenny said...

That's awesome! Yay Corinne!!