On President's Day, Corinne (our little gymnastics fan) was jumping and spinning off the couch to practice "sticking her landings". She lost her balance and fell onto her right hand and heard (and felt) a pop. She came running to me and crying "My thumb! My thumb!" I took one look at it and could see that it was dislocated. It was bent the wrong way and looked crooked. It really freaked her out. I got her to the Dr., and he set it back in place and said we needed x-rays just as a precaution. A couple hours later we heard back that it was in fact fractured and the fracture was in her "growth plate". So we went back in for a temporary cast.
Corinne insisted on going to school the next day, partially because she wanted to tell all of her friends what happened and because she has perfect attendance so far and didn't want to miss a day. She came home exhausted and emotional. School was very hard because she was in pain, and she is right handed and couldn't write or even put on her coat without help. She missed her district science fair that night and went to bed early.
On Friday, we went to see an orthopedic surgeon who is a hand specialist. He said it is healing well, but she needs to wear a cast for three weeks. She is very excited that she got to pick the color (purple-her favorite color at the moment), and she loves that her friends (and Sydney) can sign her cast.