Corinne turned
10 last Sunday. (Yes, I said ten!) How am I old enough to have a ten year old?
She had quite the birthday weekend with a "tea party" on Friday with some friends, getting her ears pierced, and going to see the
Mormon Tabernacle Choir and their performance of the
Music and the Spoken Word on Sunday morning with my parents.
Here are some pictures of her tea party. I wish I had gotten some pictures of the dainty foods my mom and I prepared (chicken salad finger sandwiches, cheese cubes, fruit skewers), but these girls must have been hungry. They wolfed their food down so fast, I didn't get a single picture!

Newly pierced ears:

The one and only thing Corinne has been wanting is an American Girl doll. She has been doing extra chores and saving her money so she could buy Felicity. When anyone asked what she wanted for her birthday, she would just say "money for my Felicity fund". Well, with some nice monetary gifts from family, she had enough money to get her doll. What she didn't know is that I had already bought it and was saving it for when she had enough. I brought it out on her birthday right before bedtime, and her jaw dropped to the floor! She was thrilled and is in love with her Felicity.
Do you think she's excited?:

Happy Birthday, Corinne! We all love you dearly and are so proud of you!